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Reviews for Dances With Witches

notsosaintly2004.11.24 - 09:07PM19: A Dance As Old As Time or Hermione's BirthdaySigned
It is a good thing I can type and don't have to speak, because I can no longer breathe. You made us wait 18 long, wonderful, suspenseful chapters and what you wrote here was more than well worth the wait. I thought Chapter 18 left me needing more. It is nothing to how I feel now. Ummm...I wonder what new things Hermione would be open to discovering in the morning. I hope morning isn't too far away.....

Author's Response: The readers were not the only ones frustrated! The morning has a few surprises of its own. Not to mention the afternoon!

Horserider2004.11.24 - 08:53PM19: A Dance As Old As Time or Hermione's BirthdayAnonymous
I always love it when a bit of darkness manages to slither its way in to such a sensual tale. The blood ritual really hit the spot. ;) I hope to see it truly fulfilled before the tale is over. An absolute pleasure as always reading this story! ~HR

Author's Response: Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying the story. The ritual will make another appearance in future chapters. There are several more twists to come first.

LariLee2004.11.24 - 08:16PM19: A Dance As Old As Time or Hermione's BirthdayAnonymous
Nothing to say really, except how much I'm enjoying this story! You've taken a challenge and turned it into a true love story. ~Lisa

Author's Response: I'm glad you're enjoying the story. There is a lot more to come for our favorite pair.

JUST HARRY2004.11.24 - 06:52PM19: A Dance As Old As Time or Hermione's BirthdayAnonymous
You are weaving such a wonderful love story. I love this sev he is so like i picture him, do not change him. I can not waite to read the reactions of Harry and Ron hope it is as humorous as the rest of the story. Update soon please!!!!

Author's Response: Thank you. I have never been able to see Severus as fluffy. He strikes me as always being a bit sarcastic to those he knows. His relationship with Hermione demands a less snarky version at times, but I can't imagine he will ever be easy. The Burrow should be interesting.

Jade_Orchid2004.11.24 - 06:43PM19: A Dance As Old As Time or Hermione's BirthdaySigned
Woot! Hot stuff, there. I'm glad Severus stopped himself. It shows just how decent he truly is under all the snark. Great chapter.

Author's Response: While Severus may have his own agenda, I think underneath it all, he is a decent and honorable man. The plot has shown up again in the next few chapters, it seems to keep sneaking in there. More lemons in the future.

yutamiyu (too lazy to sign in)2004.11.24 - 06:37PM19: A Dance As Old As Time or Hermione's BirthdayAnonymous
::sigh:: what a wonderful birthday! You, my dear, gave us a terrific payoff after chapters and chapters of teasing...please update soon!

Author's Response: Thank you. I'm not sure who would have hexed me faster, Severus, Hermione, or the readers, if I had pushed the relationship back another chapter! I'm glad you liked it. The next chapter will be up soon.

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